Prepare Your Garden for Frost this Winter

If you’ve invested any money into your garden, you know how important it is to protect your investment from the inevitable cold snaps of our Canadian winter.
How do you ensure you’ll still have a beautiful yard full of life come spring? It starts with giving our plants some much-needed TLC, even during the cooler months. Here’s how:
1. Know the Forecast
When it comes to garden maintenance, you have to be proactive. Stay up to date with the forecast in your area to find out when frost will hit and check the weather forecasts daily once the colder temperatures arrive.
2. Get to Know Your Plants
Plants react differently to various levels of freeze. Most plants will suffer damage when the temperatures drop to below –4C for several hours. Between –4C and –2C is considered a hard frost and can kill root-hardy perennials if it lasts for several hours.
3. Cover Your Plants
After determining what plants need protection, head to your local garden centre to stock up on burlap for wrapping. The idea is to build a tent over the plant while not letting the cover actually touch the plant. Remember, air still needs to be able to circulate around it. Finally, weigh down the sides so they don’t blow open.